A newsletter of gentle writing about what I'm thinking, seeing, learning, and exploring. There will be humor! There will be poetry and writing about home, belonging, and God. There will be joy.
Speaker & Writer on the intersections of Christianity and racialized identities | Mvskoke Nation citizen, Scottish, German & Czech
Contributed Books: "Voices of Lament" - "Justice Looks Like" - More coming soon!
I'm Matthew Paul Turner and this is Orthodoxy of Me. I'm a gay dad of 3 kids who writes children's books about God. Sign up to get stories, advice, and inspirations about my life, my creativity, my parenting, and my coming out.
New York Times bestselling author Kirsten Powers writes about unlearning societal conditioning, living authentically, and how to actually change your life.
a long-form, once-a-month, adjacently food-related musing (with recipe) from an American immigrated to France who also happens to run a recipe-free cooking school
one ridiculously impressive complete-meal recipe delivered to your inbox every saturday morning that dirties minimal dishes and requires under an hour of time.
This is the home of two newsletters. Paid subscribers get Cheryl's Dear Sugar Letter monthly, plus her free newsletter several times a year, which includes her "Tells Us" author series. Free subscribers get everything but the monthly Dear Sugar Letter.
Original essays on theology & spirituality from Laura Kelly Fanucci. Plus a round-up of others' creative work each Wednesday, to help you in your own holy labor.
illyanna Maisonet's newsletter contains: recipes, first person and reported articles, rantings, photos, history and foodways of California and Puerto Rico. And Mami.
Essays, criticism, and interviews on food culture, media, and politics sent out on Monday morning. Paid subscribers receive additional posts on Fridays and have access to commenting, the recipe archive, and more.
The popular newsletter from writer Sarah Bessey with exclusive essays, the books worth reading, good things, special devotional series, theology deep dives, community conversations, and so much more.