Aw, these are fun to check out. My family watches It's a Wonderful Life every Christmas Eve... it's my favorite movie, and the ending makes me ugly cry. 😭🥰 Rick Steves' christmas is a great idea!! (the hyperlink might need to be fixed).

Merry Christmas!!

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Oooh I’ll check that link. And we watch It’s a Wonderful Life every Christmas Eve!! It’s got such a fascinating underdog story. Capra thought it was his great failure. Isn’t that wild?!?! It basically went straight to TV. After not doing well in theaters. Funny but I think this makes it a better story

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Did he really?! Wow! It's funny how 'classics' come to be. And I just love Jimmy Stewart in it. I've heard it was his favorite film to do.

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Dear Marcie Avis-Walker & BEBS family - gushing praise for this space, actual sources of researcheable joy and true things, and distinct studies of particulars, and yes the feedback and opportunities for response. Christmas has been a little hard to get excited about and I have discovered here in bountiful opportunity, my own reasons to make merry and I am grateful to God for this healing opportunity, which feeling is also something I am proud to share with you all as I make mends with parts of faith through this community. In my family of origen we used to sometimes listen to readings of Dickens Christmas Carol this time of year. Last year my most joyful memory was a friend participating in a roller skate dance Christmas sweater challenge on instagram and asking me to help vote for them. I will share the link if I can find it again!

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Oh Matthew, my husband is a Brit and we actually nickname him Charles Dickens at Christmas time. A. Christmas Carol is a sacred in our home too. Thanks for sharing the memory too. Hopefully you’ll find the link

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I watched The Nutcracker and the Four Realms on Disney+ last night after that peek of Misty Copeland's dancing here. She and it were amazing! 💚❤💚

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