I just went through my morning worship book from Iona: and recall how saying daily, "if Christ's disciples keep silent, these stones would shout aloud. " those words grew every day in power, like yours here. Like rumi too.

Marcie. You and Octavia Butler- you break my heart in your truth telling. You rebuild my heart in your truth telling.

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I’m touched to be in the company of Octavia Butler

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Fabulously written and absolutely heartbreaking.

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Wow. Poignant…and heartbreaking.

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As a white woman, I desperately need your perspective. Thank you - I hear you and will encourage other white friends to read your writing. And, I will keep working for change.

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Holding these beautiful, heartbreaking words. Remaining wide-awake.

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Marcie, I can hardly breathe. Yes. Everything you said. I pray alongside you that the light would shine in the darkness. I lift my little light next to yours.

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Heartbreak and eternal hope living in a single moment. Your words are truth. Light must prevail.

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"I want to be “a wide-a-wake.” Let there be light. " I'm re reading that over and over since reading about the murders in Jacksonville this past weekend. Let me be Wide Awake in my own neighbourhood where we don't fear guns. We fear apathy in racism around an upcoming referendum. We fear apathy in climate change. We fear becoming less shocked by the news reports. Let me be wide awake. Amen.

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Amen 🙏🏾

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