This was a balm for my soul. Thank you. These verses from Matthew 25 have been at the forefront of my mind for a while now. I appreciate the variety of sources and images you shared.

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Dear Marcie, thank you so so much for this post. ♥️ Light in the world.

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Dear Ms Marcie Avis-Walker,

The podcast was really inspiring and a tear jerker too. It made me want to get back on some online Canadian zoom groups I went to for a while as a way if meeting new people and being around sone kindness. There used to be a meme depicting Canadian road rage as a man who gets out at a traffic light and wipes the snow off from the rear window of the car in front of him. These verses are really touching to me too. Living in a big city has numbed me a bit to the raw kindness of these verses and the hope of a different way of life that crackles in them. The stories of refugees and the watercolors illustrating the passage of fleeing that many did not survive remind me to take a fresh look outside of my own life.

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I totally get that kind of numbing that happens when you live in a big city.

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Matthew 25 is a pretty great summary of how to respond to the Gospel and gives so many options of kindness. Loved Malcolm Gladwell's podcast, just finished it, beautiful.

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