Oct 20, 2023Liked by Marcie Alvis Walker

Thank you, again. your words resonate to the center.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Marcie Alvis Walker

Oh Marci! This heartfelt testimony is a like a voice in the wilderness. I started to make a list of all the poetically beautiful and brave phrases, and filled a page. Thank you for the courage to share your story, so that we can open our ears and hearts to hear the stories of others too. I too grieve it all. I too am a practicing human, who has already heard and no doubt will hear again and again and again, "What took you so long to get here?" Finally, thank you for the tremendously good advice to "...ring the bell, shoulder the grief, and strengthen the world’s resolve to do better," in this moment of tremendous heartache. Your are a modern day prophet; I am blessed to have found you and your voice.

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Thank you Francesca 🖤

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There aren't enough words of thanks I can give to you or say to Spirit and the Great Universe for your presence. I'm just grateful you're in the world...speaking, sharing, and teaching in it. I'm here lamenting alongside you and working damn hard to stay awake at where and when I'm capricious and dismissive with humanity in general. What do I mutter under my breath when I'm in life's traffic of my own: grief, fatigue, hunger, anger, confusion? That's what I'm paying closer attention to because I know when I don't, I become unconscious and uncaring. God...I don't want that.

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Same, I don't want that for myself either.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Marcie Alvis Walker

"You’ll have to go and sit with the pain and the horror on your own – not as entertainment, but as a practice of humanity." Yes. Thank you for these considered words. I also thank you - having read about Gayle and your mum before, I'm grateful that every time you write, I see both Gayle and your mum anew. Both of them. That's the thing isn't it. Continuing to see people anew and all the while wondering at the institutions that carve us up and separate us from each other. 💜🙏💜

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Oct 21, 2023Liked by Marcie Alvis Walker

Thank you for remembering. Thank you for sharing.

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Jan 22Liked by Marcie Alvis Walker

I have no idea what happened to October, or 2023 for that matter. I am grateful to have read your words today. I did see on Instagram where you spoke of speaking to your spot in the world and hearing others from theirs - in reference to Gaza and Israel. I appreciated that. We tell our own stories best, and then those that are close to our lived experience. The collective grief across the world is undoing, and so is its joy.

The ways your mom and Gayle were discounted is appalling. Her compassion was breathtaking. It would be some wild gyrations to hold the extremes of her life in your being. Thank you for telling your truth. I needed to hear it.

I was moved especially by this quote from you "It's not only hurt people who hurt others. In fact, hurt people love and care for other hurt people better than anyone else."

I also know this to be true. I see it often.

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I’m so very grateful for your presence 🖤

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