I appreciate this so much. I am wondering if the term, mullato, is still in use or is it considered a slur, etc.? My husband’s mother was Hispanic and I remember him speaking of the area where he grew up and the term was common. The artist’s rendition is so lovely. I also appreciate your prayers of breathe in and exhale. Thank you, Susan
Hey Susan. This is a good question. It’s not a term that’s used today. And it was always a kind of slur even when it was used in the past because of our country’s long history of anti-miscegenation laws and the problem of white enslavers often and frequently assaulting Black enslaved women. It was always used as a way to caste/rank people by skin color. It’s a very complicated history and it says a lot about Washington that he used that particular term to describe Ms. Judge. It let people know that she was valued because of her European ancestry which enslavers preferred in those enslaved people who did work where they would be seen frequently in companionship with their enslavers. It’s a long, long, history.
This was very informative. Although, I understand the difference with regards to Hispanic or Black, my husband was raised in an area that was a mix of Black and Hispanic. My husband used to say “the other side of the tracks.” And it literally was. My husband and one brother were completely white in color. The two other brothers were completely brown in color. And because of where they lived, etc. they were all treated with disdain. All who lived there. I had to fill out a form yesterday that asked was I White, Black, etc. But then there was a completely separate question asking if I was from a Hispanic/Latino ethnicity or not. I find all of this very odd and not having lived this while being raised I simply don’t understand. I could have educated myself along the way but I never did.
Yes, “the other side of the tracks” has a strange and long history too. You’re so right but also colorism exists in many ethnic communities of color. It’s all a lot.
I appreciate this so much. I am wondering if the term, mullato, is still in use or is it considered a slur, etc.? My husband’s mother was Hispanic and I remember him speaking of the area where he grew up and the term was common. The artist’s rendition is so lovely. I also appreciate your prayers of breathe in and exhale. Thank you, Susan
Hey Susan. This is a good question. It’s not a term that’s used today. And it was always a kind of slur even when it was used in the past because of our country’s long history of anti-miscegenation laws and the problem of white enslavers often and frequently assaulting Black enslaved women. It was always used as a way to caste/rank people by skin color. It’s a very complicated history and it says a lot about Washington that he used that particular term to describe Ms. Judge. It let people know that she was valued because of her European ancestry which enslavers preferred in those enslaved people who did work where they would be seen frequently in companionship with their enslavers. It’s a long, long, history.
Thank you so much. I am grateful for the knowledge that you provide.
Grateful for the engagement, truly.
Here’s a little more history that might help you and others who might have had the same question (which is why it’s good ask questions;) https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/jefferson/mixed/
This was very informative. Although, I understand the difference with regards to Hispanic or Black, my husband was raised in an area that was a mix of Black and Hispanic. My husband used to say “the other side of the tracks.” And it literally was. My husband and one brother were completely white in color. The two other brothers were completely brown in color. And because of where they lived, etc. they were all treated with disdain. All who lived there. I had to fill out a form yesterday that asked was I White, Black, etc. But then there was a completely separate question asking if I was from a Hispanic/Latino ethnicity or not. I find all of this very odd and not having lived this while being raised I simply don’t understand. I could have educated myself along the way but I never did.
Yes, “the other side of the tracks” has a strange and long history too. You’re so right but also colorism exists in many ethnic communities of color. It’s all a lot.
Also this a wonderful book about that history: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/673074/one-drop-by-yaba-blay/
I have added this to my ever growing list and stack of books to read. Thank you so much.