"Blessed are those whose fears and anxieties exceed the reach of their

coping mechanisms, for only those in need of help will be helped."

Hey Marcie - I get the blessing (currently so tired of my coping mechanisms but also tired of my constant self judgement). The 2nd half of that blessing - I'm feeling really stupid this morning - do you mind me asking - what does this mean? I'm taking it literally 😬😔🙏

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I actually didn’t write it—so I can only give my feeling and interpretation. I think it simply means “bless those who are tired of their coping mechanisms failing them and finally have the courage to ask for real help. They will get real help. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Coping mechanisms are really a way of saying, “Nope. I got this. I don’t need any help but my own.”

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Thanks for that. You know how when we get caught up in our head? That kind of stupid. It's interesting- I asked Ji to read the passage & she repeated what you wrote here. 🤣🥰 I have two counsellors who help me ease and understand my coping mechanisms. One who has seen me through so much. When I read the passage - I jumped in my head to the times have sought help when I have had carer exhaustion: when I have sought help Because I'm exhausted to fill out forms OR ask for help as a carer. Now I recognise what Im going to say reeks of privelige but, overworked case workers listen to me - hear my theatre trained voice, the fact I've got all my teeth etc, and say: "oh, you know, you got this"! meaning: " "you can do this for yourself". But carers can't - usually this is when I go home and use an old coping mechanism to survive. I guess when I read this passage I got triggered by that memory. In 2010 I gave up nine years on and off methamphetamine use- "ice". Cold Turkey. Jo went into a Psych ward I became her carer. We had joined a church and when I said "I used drugs" these loving people looked at me and made all the wrong guesses. Ooh long rave. So when I looked at that beautiful passage I thought of the overlooked - the carers, the overworked case workers, the underresourced centres. And now this Sunday morning I say " Blessed are those who seek help - don't feel like they get it; but open their hearts to passages given by wiser folk-passaes about the wilderness for example; yes blessed are those at least keep the eyes of the hearts open for writing that upholds others." 💜🙏💜

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Also you might feel stupid but I know for a fact you are far from stupid:)

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