Loved this!!! Thanks for sharing your experience and how we can all learn from it.

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Thank you 🙏🏾

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Going to doctors. The anxiety. Thank you for naming it.

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Soooo much anxiety

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Yes. Imagine if we as humans greeted each human with the respect they deserve. So glad the medical team treated you better than...😔 Tressie McMillam Cottom's essay on this subject in "Thick" was an eye-opener but then, not really. I didn't grow up in the ash on forehead tradition either but I remember when a young flat mate tragically died years ago, saying to people " I want to wear ash on my forehead to show people a life has been drastically altered, a life is dust". This week has been hard yes? Watching extraordinary racist reporting of the war in Ukraine; upper NSW has disappeared under water, and they're evacuating outer areas of Sydney

Lent reminds me there is a place for grief and you Marcie, give us solace here. Thank you.💜🙏💜

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I know that Tressie piece your talking about and I think we should wear ashes as part of grieving. Maybe people would say trite things to those that mourn.

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Prayers for your health and healing!

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Thank you, Susan. I’m on the mend at least I think and I hope.

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Prayers for your healing. Also for me, you’re not just dust…you’re fairy dust. You enable us to fly high to seek the truth!

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Awwwww…. thank you 🖤🙏🏾🖤

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