Happy Sunday Friends,
This week I have a publishing deadline for the final edits of my book. So, we will take a short break the beginning of this week and return on Thursday.
I appreciate all your kind words and loving prayers this past week for my family. Please know that it works both ways. I love praying for you as well.
Much peace—see you Thursday.
A recap/summary of the week’s prayers and contemplations
We celebrated signs of hope in Monday Whatever list of all things true, honest, just, pure, lovely, gracious, excellent, and worthy of praise.
We found hope in rest.
We discovered the hope that lies in the beauty of adversity with Alice Walker and Howard Thurman.
We embraced hope in the darkness of the unknown.
We practiced an examen of hope.
First Nations Version: An Indigenous Translation of the New Testament Jesus’s Prayer –Matthew 6: 9-13
O Great Spirit, Our Father from above,
We honor your name as sacred and holy.
Bring your good road to us, where the beauty of your ways
in the spirit-world above is reflected in the earth below.
Provide for us day by day—the elk, the buffalo, and the salmon.
The corn, the squash, and the wild rice.
All the things we need for each day.
Release us from the things we have done wrong,
in the same way we release others for the things done wrong to us.
Guide us away from the things that tempt us to stray from your good road,
and set us free from the evil one and his worthless ways.
Aho! May it be so!
So very excited about your book. Shalom, friend.
Yay, a book!!!