London Ladd | Black Gold
After a very much needed winter break,
I’m grateful for a New Year with new beginnings.
London Ladd | Moon Night
The Genesis of Now! The Beginning That Continues
by Neil Douglas-Klotz
“B’reshith bara Elohim…
In the beginningness of time…”
Gathered around a campfire,
the storyteller begins to move and chant.
Through her gestures and expressions,
her enthusiasm and feeling,
she catches the attention of young and old.
She amazes her audience with a story
they believe they are hearing for the first time,
even though they have heard it a hundred times before.
To start fresh, I realized that I had to commit to ridding myself of what had grown stale.
The first thing that needed to go was this feeling of “overwhelm.”
I was overwhelmed with an expectation that I’d placed on myself to be enough,
to be worthy enough of a $5/month subscription—
to be worthy enough of a free subscription—
to be worthy enough to be read at all.
I’m afraid these overwhelming feelings of “not-enoughness” overflowed into a chronic need to prove myself for fear I’d lose a single subscriber.
So, like a needy lover, I overwhelmed readers with words…
so many words… so many posts—pleas really— to prove that I was worthy
and to make subscribers stay.
London Ladd | Black Gold
John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word…”
by Neil Douglas-Klotz
In the very Beginningness
was, is and will be existing
the Word-Wisdom of the One,
the ongoing Word and Sound,
the Message and Conversation
that has not stopped
and has never started
because it is always Now.
This is not the way to build or cherish any relationship.
I do cherish this relationship…
And so, I decided to trust that I am good enough.
A thousand posts aren’t needed.
One post a week is abundantly sufficient.
More posts will not make those who want to leave (or need to leave) stay.
This is a healthier love of self and a healthier love of community and a healthier love of us.
London Ladd | Black Gold
In the Beginning: To Begin With… Genesis 1:1 B’reshith
by Neil Douglas-Klotz
In the Beginningness,
In the time before time begins,
In the rest before movement begins,
In the space where nothing but
Elohim is, was, and will be.
It all unfolds and moves
like the wings of a bird taking flight,
like a spark turning to flame,
spreading to fire in all directions.
From this center everything travels
toward its purpose,
somehow moving together and yet
each with its own kernel of destiny
known only to the Holy One.
I’m beginning anew looking back at how the world began and understading that stories are made to create light and freedom not cages of obligation.
Beginning next week, I will share one Black Eyed Story every—other—Friday for paid subscribers, and I will answer a question about race, gender, trauma, history, politics, life…
every—other—Wednesday for everyone both paid or free subscribers.
Let this be a new beginningness…
Let there be light!
—Marcie Alvis Walker
London Ladd | My People
God Created: First Principles… Genesis 1:1 bara’ elohim
by Neil Douglas-Klotz
One and many,
single and diverse,
including all, excluding none,
the Unity of Existence,
the Holy One and Many,
is acting, creating, shaping
from a center
where there is yet no periphery,
from an inside
where there is yet no outside,
from something and nothing,
from a space-time where “thing”
and “no-thing” do not exist,
where “yes” and “no” exist only in the
vibration of the Holy One’s name.
Ayyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!! I have been deep in conversation with other wonderful creative souls about monetization and worthiness and the agreement is its time. Your words gave voice to something I have been struggling with too. And to be honest your work is priceless. It continues to be a riveting journey, thank you for the privilege to come along. I am taking risks in my life now to live in my purpose and try to understand, remember, hold tight my value. And honestly your work has played a big role in my life. Not a lot of people walking on the road you are charting and this absolutely is an indication of its rarity. I always felt you were doing us a kindness by charging 5. And by writing this today you have done us another. Peace and respect and courage and its a blessing to follow somone who trusts God and shares so honestly
Every word out of your brain, every thought you share is enough. I have even found myself having trouble keeping up w/ your enough some days. Your enough is a lot and always welcome. You do whatever is enough for you and it will be enough for us.