“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.”
Desmond Tutu
A recap/summary of the week’s prayers and contemplations
We witnessed how hope is actionable and moves in the story of the Israelites escaping Egypt.
We shared beatitudes of hope to carry through the week, especially on the anniversary of the January 6th Insurrection.
We visited a signpost of hope, La Mano del Desierto, in the Atacama Desert in Chile and found that we are not alone in our hope, and that we may just be the hope that others need to see in a desolate world.
We packed up our Christmas trees, but not our merriment or joy, and we began the practice of anticipating the hope we’ll see in the Christmas season to come.
We took a review of our week by examining our encounters with the God of hope.
Whenever you feel anxious or hopeless, start a practice of lighting and keeping a candle burning throughout the day. Let it remind you that there is light in the world and that, just as we are able to ignite a flame, we can also ignite hope.
An excavation of hope inspired from the Lord’s Prayer and Prayer’s from the Cosmos
God of the Cosmos,
You create all hope.
Focus your light within.
Let it be a searchlight
illuminating the Majesty of Hope.
Create your reign of unity now.
from this divine union,
Let us birth new hope
for a new world of peace.
Help us to hope beyond our ideals.
Let all our hope work together here on Earth
as it does in the stars, planets and galaxies.
Produce in us and for us,
the food we need to grow,
the illumination we need to see,
and the hope we need to sustain us.
Erase the inner marks our hopelessness makes.
Scrub our hearts of the despair inflicted upon us by others.
But break the hold of despair.
Don’t let despair delude us.
Free us from the hopelessness holding us back
from our true purpose.
From you all hope is born, birthed from perseverance, love, and wonder,
from age to age it renews and renews.
I love the praxis practice. Last year when a family member was hospitalized for several months with Covid we burned a candle all day, every day-with the Book of Common Prayer open to as a reminder to pray throughout the day. It was such a hopeful reminder for so many things. Perhaps it’s time to pull out the hurricane and solid white candle 🕯 again.🙏🏼
Marcie, I am so grateful for your words and blessings of hope. My moments of hope have been slim and frightening. Thank you. I just lit my candle. Susan