Claire Mack – Epiphany
Spirit, enlighten us.
The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines “epiphany” as “an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure.”
In Oprah speak, it’s that “Aha” moment when something comes from out of nowhere and pierces your life, making your eyes fly wide open. Suddenly you feel as if you were a child discovering that Santa is real!!!
The whole of creation is a screaming epiphany. Every time the sun rises, every time a shooting star falls from the sky, every time a flower blooms. At any moment in the day, if you’re as practiced and patient as a birdwatcher, you can glimpse an epiphany right outside your window.
And friends, an epiphany is the greatest message of hope. With each one, the Spirit hovers over a void and the voice of God speaks, “Let there be light.” And there is light, and it is always good.
Dear God,
May those who sit in deep darkness
be awakened by your epiphanic wonders.
May they be blessed with light.
May we be their light.
Let there be light, O God
And, may we—your light
be so very, very good.
Light of the world.
Light of the world.
The spring sun heats up slowly
to warm and bloom our hope.
Light of the world.
May you be the light in the world by which others may see and be seen.
As are you Marcie. Amen