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Dear Marcie: What Do I Do When I Witness Something Racist Happen?

Well, to quote author Jenny Booth Potter, "Doing nothing is no longer an option."

Gymnastics authorities in Ireland are responding to a video circulating on social media that shows an award ceremony last year in which a young Black gymnast is skipped over as medals are handed out.

The video shows roughly a dozen young girls lined up to receive medals at a gymnastics event in Dublin in March 2022. As an official goes down the line awarding medals, she passes by the only Black child…

"We are often the only black family at gymnastics events and this has been very hurtful for us," the girl's mother told the outlet. "Now eight million people have seen the video. From Pakistan to Ethiopia they can see this was wrong but Gymnastics Ireland still can't accept it and say sorry."

NPR News | Irish Gymnastics Group Apologizes After a Black Girl Was Skipped at a Medal Ceremony

*The apology came a year after the incident.

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