Alma Thomas – Genesis (1966)
Spirit, kiss us with hope. We welcome you.
A couple of nights ago, my dear friend Nya texted me, “Nerd Alert!”, followed by a quote from the magical book The Mysteries of the Universe by Will Gater:
Every human body contains some elements—made by an exploding star—that once floated within a supernova remnant.
Then my most lovely friend sent a follow-up text to this stupendous fact, “Does that mean that humans are basically resurrected stars???”
I texted back a resounding, cosmic, “YESSSS!!!!”
The cosmos tells us that there are mysteries to be discovered here on earth, but also beyond the sun and moon. Like the universe, our hope contains its own secrets – an infinity of marvelous mysteries to be discovered filled with endless possibilities. Perhaps the fact of our very bodies being resurrected stars is to remind us that everything is made of light and wonder, the same stuff that hope is made of.
When I gaze to the skies and meditate on Your creation—
on the moon, stars, and all You have made,
I can’t help but wonder why You care about mortals—
[children of men and women]—
specks of dust floating about the cosmos.
Psalms 8:3-4 – The Voice
Inspired by Romans 15:13
May God, the source of all hope, infuse your lives with an abundance of joy and peace, and may your hope overflow, kissed by the Holy Spirit of Light and Life.
💙💙💙✨💫 Love you friend, how beautiful are your words!