by Dave Brisbin
Enriched are those who live in humility and gratitude for the reign of God is theirs. Whole and complete are those who live with a sense of dependence and vulnerability; the will of God is present in their lives.
Happy are those who mourn; they will be called to God’s side. Fortunate are those who lament; they will hear my (God’s) voice. Beatitudes—Page 2 Enriched are those who mourn; they will be encouraged and strengthened by my voice and presence. They will learn my ways.
Enriched are the gentle in spirit, for they will receive good, life-giving land. Fortunate are those not arrogant or domineering, for they will have their place to stand— their place to live richly.
Fortunate are those who crave and long for a good place with God; they will find it.
Happy are those moved to help someone in need; they will experience and be shown the comfort they give.
Fortunate are those whose innermost passions and desires are free from anything that is false; God will appear to them.
Enriched are those who author and celebrate peace, for they will be called students of God—like children, those who learn at his feet.
Happy are those pursuing on account of purity and rightness, for the reign of God is the same as this.
by Curtis W. Reese
From all that dwell below the skies
Let faith and hope with love arise
Let beauty, truth and good be sung
In every land, in every tongue.
Thank you. I always find it helpful to read new words of familiar passages. They help me listen more carefully for God’s voice.