From Global Catholic Climate Movement
Blessed are those who heal the wounded earth for they will be restored to right relationship with all of Creation.
Blessed are those who hold the space for dialogue with the natural world, God, and each other, for they will hear the fullness of life.
Blessed are those who repent for life lost at human hands, for they will be forgiven by the Cosmic Christ.
Blessed are those who enter into relationship with the natural world, for they will know the intrinsic value of all of God’s Creation
Blessed are those who discern the voice of Creation for they will receive the will of God in a language not our own.
Blessed are those with who see with the eyes of their heart for their vision will imagine the potential for new life to emerge.
Blessed are those who nurture the needs of the living and nonliving world, for they will be nourished in body and spirit
Blessed are those who live simply, for their discipline will bring harmony with the rhythms of life.
Blessed are those who cultivate a life of prayer for they will know an inner cosmos that honors the outer world.
Blessed are those who participate in civil affairs for they will bring the cry and song of the earth to systems of power and policy.
Blessed are those who practice gratitude for they will receive the gift of abundance.
By Kurt Struckmeyer
Praise life that makes us change and grow
Praise love that makes compassion flow
Praise peace that ends all strife and fear
Praise hands that work for justice here
Praise ears that hear the children’s cries
Praise truth that drives out cruel lies
Praise hearts that value human worth
Praise lives that build a better earth
Praise eyes that see all human need
Praise minds that cast out selfish greed
Praise lips that challenge those in power
Praise those who struggle every hour
Praise faith that keeps us ever strong
Praise hope that triumphs over wrong
Praise dreams that make our spirits rise
Praise voices raised in joyful cries
The Doxology for Humanity was particularly meaningful to me; thank you for sharing it.
"Open the eyes of my heart Lord" is my (irregular) prayer, my favourite. Along with "Be still..." which I thank you for bringing to my attention. 💜🙏💜