Adapted from William Barclay’s The Blesseds of Jesus
We are closest to God when we realize our own poverty and our own helplessness.
Here is where She Who Is Wisdom cloaks our spirits in the things which really matter.
We are closest to God when we are sorry for all the wrong things that we have done.
Here is where She Who Comforts heals our sorrowful remorse with forgiveness.
We are closest to God when we practice self-control and true self-awareness.
Here is where She Is Worthy helps us to see others’ worthiness and perfection.
We are closest to God when we want goodness & justice more than we want food or water.
Here is where She Who Provides fills our emptiness with her abundance.
We are closest to God when we are kind, thoughtful, and gentle—never deliberately hurtful.
Here is where She Who Sees echoes our kindness, thoughtfulness and gentleness.
We are closest to God when we keep our deeper secrets and inner thoughts free of malice.
Here is where She Who Is Creator of All uses us like a paintbrush to paint more love.
We are closest to God when we are the still-small-voice in the midst of storms or quarrels.
Here is where the Dove of Peace shelters us beneath her wing.
We are closest to God when love costs us something but we love anyway.
Here is where She Who Speaks Life is not ashamed to speak our name.
Praise God from whom all hope is found.
Praise God all creatures here earthbound.
Praise God illuminated saints above.
Praise God the Image of Light and Love.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful prayer