Blessed are those who empty themselves for God to make room for others.
But woe to those who fill themselves with only more of themselves, leaving no space for others.
Blessed are those who willingly touch and relieve sorrow.
But woe to those who gleefully and willingly inflict and infuse sorrow.
Blessed are those who know they already have enough, and so, step aside to allow the have-nots to go first and to have more.
But woe to those who know they already have enough, but still push to get more and leave nothing for have-nots.
Blessed are those who see God in everyone.
But woe to those who call what God has made an abomination.
Blessed are those who know what it is to be forgiven and thus easily forgive.
But woe to those who refuse to ask forgiveness.
Blessed are those who peacefully raise awareness by amplifying the voiceless.
But woe to those who cruelly steal even the air of voiceless, suffocating their inhales and exhales.
Blessed are those whose stories have been rejected, discarded and left forsaken by those who claim to love God.
But woe to those who—in the name of Jesus—ban, slander, erase, and deny the reflection of the Imago Dei in the stories of the disregarded.
Inspired by Mary Luti
Praise God to Whom All Life Belongs
The Good, the Bad, the Weak, the Strong;
Praise God Whose Ways Are Not Our Own—
A God to Whom We All Belong.
Just beautiful! An inspiring and challenging reminder of how to live in this world.