Based on the Aramaic translation and teaching of Neil Douglass Klotz, Prayers of the Cosmos
Blessed are the poor in spirit – those whose home base is one with the cosmic breath of life—the Holy Breath. They are so attuned to the breath of God that the inner realm of heaven belong to them.
Blessed are those who mourn – those who are troubled and in emotional turmoil, so weak with want and deep longing. They will see the arrival—the literal face of—what they most long for.
Blessed are the meek – those who have softened all that has unnaturally hardened within them, those who have liquefied rigidities made of moral heaviness. They will receive reciprocity and reparations from all the splendor of the earth’s fruit.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for true, good and just rightness – those who sense a physical tightness watching by night and waiting by lamplight to be physically strengthened with justice and harmony. They will be surrounded by their fruit and embraced by the generation.
Blessed are the merciful – those who extend themselves from the depths of their bodies as “a womb of grace.” They are Mothers of God.
Blessed are the pure in heart – those who are consistent in love and sympathy, those who have a natural sense of influence and abundance with an electrifying purpose. They are a cosmic force, possessing an identity that can be identified everywhere as: Here! This!
Blessed are the peacemakers – those who are comitted to planting the seed, tilling the ground and laboring regularly to bring forth fruit and celebration. They are the wellsprings that allow water to flow. They are the fountains that hasten the fulfillment of divine will.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of true, good and just rightness – those prophetic spirits who have been disunited, dislocated, not easily tolerated for their sense of justice. Consider this: adversity is an incitement to take another step. So don’t be afraid to look beyond the boundaries of what you call home. Light is in evidence everywhere.
Blessed are you when you are reviled, humiliated, degraded and vilified – when you are reproached, derided, pitied, insulted, conspired against, and have had their strength sucked out of you and have been covered with a sticky glaze of blame. You will receive an extreme measure of joy and liveliness so that you can approach your life wholeheartedly without apology for your prophetic heritage. Though the blows to your heart are painful, they will open a wider perspective and you will empathize with all of creation.
from Plymouth Congregational Church – United Church of Christ
Praise God who fills the world with light.
Praise Spirit who expands our sight.
Praise Sacred Presence in all things.
Praise All that through us shouts and sings!
"Blessed are those who mourn – those who are troubled and in emotional turmoil, so weak with want and deep longing. They will see the arrival—the literal face of—what they most long for."
Thank you. Just about to head out to the hospital. Jo has just checked in for 48hrs to get some ease to her depression. It's tiring isn't it? So this blessing is received today to my weary soul. On a plus side? I gave a pretty ok assignment/sermon last Sunday. Very grateful for my teachers -your good self Marcie and others. 💜🙏💜
Such a rich interpretation! Thank you for sharing. I especially am drawn to the peacemaker description. It is a reminder to me to move from slothfullness into the presence of the Holy so as to fulfill my purpose.