Spiritual Link by Michael Bailey Zebra
Hope to our children returning to school during this confounding pandemic. Their very breathing is synchronized to the Breath of Life.
Hope to the Coloradoans whose livelihood and wellbeing were consumed by wildfires. They will be replenished. They will find shelter beneath the wing of The One.
Hope to all the helpers, the stargazers, the dreamers, and the makers. Their gifts will reap a harvest of splendid fruits from the earth.
Hope to those who seek justice. They will eat from a table prepared for them by She Who Provides.
Hope to all merciful essential health care providers. Their merciful care will be continuously returned to them.
Hope to passionate, courageous, compassionate leaders. They will see the face God in every good act and in every human face.
Hope to teachers who plant peace. They are the tender seeds of God.
Hope to those whose heart, mind, and soul was dislocated and driven apart while seeking a place for all to feel welcomed in the world. They will be given the whole of the universe in which to build their home.
Hope to you when you are manipulated and vilified, and your humanity blasphemously dishonored in the name of Jesus. You are not alone. Remember the ones who were wickedly treated the same way. It is right for your good heart to feel such disunity.
Praise the Gracious One from whom all hope flows.
Praise the Womb of Creation, all creatures here below.
Praise the Sovereign of the Cosmic Wonder above the heavenly host
Praise the Creator, Lady Wisdom, and the Anointed One.
Let us hope together. Please feel free to add any beatitudes of hope or additional doxology in the comments below.
Hope for those struggling under the burden of the mind and anxieties that seem to never cease. You are not alone. The Creative Creator is with you and sees you. Her large arms are around you and hold all that you cannot.
Hope for those who are facing what they've inherited, and learning to sing a more abundant song to pass on. The One Who Brings Healing is with you. You are surely planting seeds that will bear fruit for generations to come.