Laura Stöckl – Feels Like Summer
by Mallory Hoffman
Blessed are the weird, for they shall see life as no one else can.
Blessed are they who don't fit in, for they have a special place to fill.
Blessed are they who are rejected because they are different, they reflect the true beauty of God.
Blessed are they who are alone because they are different, for through them shines the light of God.
Blessed are they who are not included, for they are close to the Heart of God.
Blessed are they who are on the outside, for they have room to grow.
Blessed are they who feel the pain of exclusion, for their differences bring them closer to God.
Blessed are they who hunger for friendship and are refused, they are precious in God’s sight.
Blessed are they who think outside the box, for boxes are a prison.
Blessed are they who are beautifully weird, for they have felt the nails of the Cross.
Blessed are they whom God made to be weird, for this is a blessing from the Creator.
I'm printing this one. <3
I'm printing it too. Thank you Marcie for this beautiful start to Saturday.